So I went to see an orthopedic surgeon today for pain and stiffness in my elbow and shoulder. As expected, I have tendonitis in both. He gave me cortisone shots in each of the joints. I was really nervous about the shots since I've heard how painful they are. Actually, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Some of the shots I got during my cancer treatments hurt a lot more. That being said, I sure hope I don't have to get anymore!
I am so tired of all this doctor stuff. Honestly, I see doctors more now than during my treatments last year. In the next 5 weeks, I will see a physical therapist a number of times, have another ultrasound and see the surgeon, have blood work done, see the radiation oncologist, the medical oncologist, an OB/GYN, and back to the orthopedic. On top of all of that, my insurance company didn’t want to pay for one of my drugs and put me on an alternative medication. Now I’m having asthma problems, too. I won’t even get into the memory problems that I have.
Okay, okay, that’s enough whining for today. I keep telling myself that I did nothing to cause this and I am right where God wants me to be. I’m thankful that I am alive and relatively healthy, even if I do have a lot of size effects. I’m trying to have a positive attitude through all of this. It’s just sometimes hard.