For many years Jeff and I have relied on God's leading in our lives. We have asked Him to open or shut doors of opportunities to help us know His will. He has been faithful in doing that. We have tried to instill this in our children as well, especially now that they are adults and my and Jeff's advise is just that, advice.
Josh enlisted in the Marines back in August before leaving for college. He was planning to leave for basic training in January. This fall he got a bad case of bronchitis and was given a number of medications including prednisone. Because he had been sick the military wanted him to have another physical including a breathing test. We were shocked to find out that Josh was given a medical discharge because he failed the breathing test.
Josh has decided to go back to Crown College for second semester while he prays and tries to decide what God wants him to do next. I'm really proud of him. I don't know what God's will is for his life, but I'm glad to know that he is sensitive to God's leading.