Sunday was Jeff's last Sunday at Cornerstone Church. After the second service, there was a potluck in our honor. Several people presented Jeff with gifts. These included a Minnesota Vikings T-shirt from the youth group, one last meal of chicken and

noodles, as well as a framed collage of memorable events during our 3 1/2 years here in Boone. There was also a money tree that people could clip money to the branches
to help us with moving costs. The day ended with the elders laying hands on Jeff and

praying for him and his next ministry.
It was a bittersweet time for us. It was good to see so many people come to wish
us farewell. We reminisced about all the things that have

happened at Cornerstone during our time here. We have made so many good friends in Boone that it is very hard to say goodbye and to move onto the next ministry. I believe that everything that happens in life will change a person.

We will forever be changed for the better because of the people and our ministry
in Boone. We love you friends from Cornerstone Church and thank you for all you have done for us!!