We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9 (NLT)

This past weekend I took Zach, Andrea, and the kids to Minnesota with me to see Jeff and Josh. It was a good (but exhausting) few days. All three kids travelled great without any tears or fighting. I think everyone had fun and I'm glad that it worked out for them to make the trip. Of course, not everything went as planned. You may not know this about me, but I like to make plans and follow them as closely as possible. I do not like getting off schedule or unexpected "surprises".
I had planned that we would get on the road by 10 a.m. on Saturday and stop for lunch at a fast-food place with a playland half way there so the kids could get out and run off some energy. That would put us in Minnesota mid-afternoon, in time for me to run to the store to shop so I could make dinner.
Unfortunately, lunch time found us sitting at Pat Clemons Auto Dealer's service center (yes, still in Boone) getting new brake pads and rotors (This would explain the funny noise I started hearing on the way to Zach's to pick them up.) We made the trip straight through without a break for the kids and got to Minnesota at dinner time. A few hours later we discovered that Hailey's blankie got left at home. This of course led to a rough bedtime. It seems like the rest of the weekend continued in a similar manner.
I was a little discouraged and slightly frustrated that all of my plans for the weekend had completely crumbled, but the Lord brought Proverbs 16:9 to my mind continuously through out the weekend. Maybe things didn't go exactly as I had planned, but we still got there and back safely and had a good time. God sometimes has his own agenda and we need to be willing to be his tool - even if it means we have to change our own idea of how things should be. Are you willing to be flexible in order to allow God to use you?