On Wednesday morning I made an emergency trip back to Boone. Zach called Tuesday evening while driving himself to the E.R. He was having an asthma attack and couldn't get it under control. He was bad enough that not only did they admit him, but they put him in I.C.U. I went down to help out with the grand kids so that Andrea could be at the hospital with him. Thankfully, he was able to come home on Friday. He is off work until at least next Wednesday and it is a good thing since walking through the house or picking up the baby leaves him totally breathless.
I'm sorry that Zach was sick, but it was a good excuse for me to see Bryce, Hailey, and Khloe. It's been a month since I moved to Minnesota and I was really missing them. I took the kids twice a day up to the hospital to see Daddy. They weren't to sure about all the wires and tubes at first, but they adjusted pretty quickly. We also spent a lot of time playing outside. I'm not used to having three kids to care for. Somehow, adding one more child feels like adding two or three instead. I was definitely tired by bedtime and thankful that Khloe sleeps through the night. I'm so glad that I was able to help my kids out.