Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Military Man

Josh has been considering joining the military for a couple of years and we have met with recruiters from several branches during the last year. Josh finally decided to join the Marine Corp. He drove home from college last week and was sworn in last Friday morning. He leaves for basic training next May after he gets out of school. He will continue to go to school while serving weekends and summers in the reserves. It is really scary to think about my baby possibly going to war, but I'll admit that I am really proud of him!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Pictures of My Foot

This is my foot 3 days after twisting it. It continues to bruise, but I'm able to use it more each day.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Twisted Ankle

Alright, I did it this time! Yesterday morning I was walking down the deck steps taking out the trash; at the bottom is two slabs of concrete that is uneven. My foot twisted and down I went. Of course, I was home alone except for the dog. (Whom I discovered is no Lassie!) I managed to crawl up the deck steps and get into the house and call Jeff at church. We went to the doctor yesterday afternoon for x-rays and thankfully it isn't broken, just a nice sprain. It is pretty swollen and starting to bruise. I'm keeping ice on it and the doctor gave me an air cast (like a splint) to help stabilize and protect it. I have so much to do with cleaning the other house and unpacking the new one; I just don't have time for this. Why does Jeff have to be preaching on patience this week?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Summer Foods

Is there any true American that doesn't enjoy a summer lunch of Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato Sandwiches?? I had my first BLT of the summer today for lunch. In the last several days, I've also had my first corn-on-the-cob and garden fresh green beans. The season of fresh veggies doesn't last long enough for me.

I've already been enjoying all the fresh fruits available in the summer: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, peaches, and especially black cherries. Besides eating them as is, Jeff and I have really been into making smoothies with the fresh fruit this year. Fruit, yogurt, and ice blended smooth makes for a great breakfast or a refreshingly healthy afternoon snack. What is your favorite summertime fruit or vegetable??

Friday, August 15, 2008

Off To College

Well, we took Josh to Crown College yesterday. We got him all moved into his dorm room. He met his roommate and they got settled in and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening with the football team. We went back this morning (after picking up some essential from Target) and stayed through registration and the financial aid meeting. We left at lunch time with Josh headed off to take a pre-entrance Bible exam.

While Jeff got a little choked up a few times yesterday, it was my turn today. I must admit that I was a lot more upset about us leaving than Josh was!! I'm really going to miss my baby, but I am so proud of him, too. I think this college thing will be an adjustment for all of us.

Friday, August 8, 2008

College Shopping

I'm meeting Josh in Ames when he gets off of work this afternoon so we can finish shopping before he leaves for Crown College in 6 days!! We went a few weeks ago and got the bulk of it and have also been scrounging around the house for items he will need, but tonight we hope to complete all the shopping. We are also doing all the last minute appointments - dentist last week, eye doctor this week, and physical next week. Nothing like waiting till the last minute!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Moving Day

Well, the day is over and we survived one more move. We started taking several loads over yesterday including most of the kitchen stuff. Today about 15 guys from church came to help move the big and heavy stuff as well as some of the boxes. Moving is so much easier when everyone pitches in!

We still have some odds and ends at the other house as well as most of the stuff stored in the garage that we still need to bring over in the next few days. First I want to get some of the boxes already here unpacked. I'll admit, I feel a lot like the guy in this picture; not quite sure where to begin!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Summer Fun

As you can see in this picture, Josh's summer has been filled with lots of fun with friends. If he isn't working, he is hanging out. They have spent many hours watching movies and going to church activities together, as well as playing in the mud! Josh is the one on the left. They had a blast having mud fights in a friend's creek - at least until the girls discovered leaches stuck on them and the boys literally ran into barbed wire!