Last night was the Boone County Relay For Life Event. This is the second year that I walked during the opening Survivor Lap. I was given the privilege of walking in the front and helping to carry the banner. I don't know for sure, but I would guess that their were well over 100 survivors walking in that lap. On the second lap around the track, all care-givers are asked to join their cancer-surviving loved one. Both Jeff and Josh walked the second lap with me. Afterwards, we bought dinner from the Hy-Vee food stand (100% of the money they collect goes to RFL). This morning our church hosted a fund-raising pancake breakfast. I just got back from that.
I really enjoy participating in the RFL event even though I'm long past being able to stay up all night to walk around the track! As you walk during that survivor's lap, they announce the name of each survivor as well as the type of cancer they had/have and how long since their diagnoses. It is so encouraging to hear numerous people that had cancer 10, 20, and even 35 years ago. They beat cancer, went on with life, and are here to tell about it. It is what I need to hear; that while I might get cancer again, I also might not.
I'm also amazed at the number of people that work so hard to raise money in the name of cancer. Organizations like Hy-Vee must have spent thousands and thousands of dollars on this event. Other companies have teams of people walking overnight as well as just groups of friends that formed teams. It is thanks to all these people that cancer research and cures have come such a long way. I for one am grateful to everyone who has had a hand in helping raise money for cancer research!