Today is Father's Day. I work immediately after church until late this evening so I won't get a chance to call my dad, but that doesn't mean that I'm not thinking of him or that I love him any less. I have some great memories of my dad.
My dad was an auto-body repair man and worked in a Chevy garage. Sometimes, we would go pick him up from work and I would walk in to find him. The garage (and my dad) had a very distinct smell of a combination of paint, bondo, and whatever else was used in that garage. To this day, every time I smell paint I am immediately transported back to childhood. I almost expect to see Dad walk through the door.
One of my best memories of my dad is from my high-school years. I think I was 16 at the time and had just broke up with the guy that I was dating. I was more angry than upset and Dad knew just what I needed. It just so happened that Dad was starting a remodeling project in the bathroom that day. He handed me a hammer and let me take out all my frustrations on the tile in the bathroom! I spent a good portion of the day working in the bathroom with Dad. I don't remember what we talked about, but we were together at a time when I needed a positive male role model.
Thanks for being a great dad, I love you. Happy Father's Day!!!
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