Zach has been itching with a rash for more than 6 months. After several trips to the family doctor and multiple rounds of prednisone, antihistamines, and creams, we were referred to a dermatologist. In January, Zach was diagnosed with Atopic Dermatitis and given more ointments and lotions to use. As soon as the prednisone wore off though, he was right back to itching. We went back to see the dermatologist again today. This time he did scrapings of the rash and now thinks that it is scabies - which is what Zach suspected last summer when this all started!! Hopefully the new meds will work and this itchy nightmare will be over soon.
We are pretty sure he picked them up last summer when he was hanging out with friends at the river and walking through the woods. That's when it all started.
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