Last weekend, I headed to Chicago for my grandma's 90th birthday open house. It worked out that I could take Zach, Andrea, Bryce, and Hailey with me. Josh and his girlfriend, Katie, drove down from Minnesota. This was an exciting trip for Andrea and the kids because none of them have ever been out of the state of Iowa!
On Saturday, the four young adults took the metro train into Chicago to the Navy Pier. They had a good time despite the rain. My sister, Julie, and I kept Bryce and Hailey and went to a petting zoo and a park. They had fun feeding the ducks and seeing all the different animals. Hailey especially liked the animals and just stared at each one for a long time. Bryce had more fun at the park where he had a great time jumping from rock to rock over the water, climbing into his "castle" (a really fancy picnic shelter), down the steps, over the bridge, and back to the rocks...over...and over...and over!
It was a good open house on Sunday, too. I can't believe that Grandma is 90 and still doing so well. It was fun to introduce all my new family members to everyone. I'm really glad I could go.
We did have a little trouble with the Yukon. The truck wouldn't start after we checked out of the hotel Sunday morning. We ended up missing church because of it and had to find something to do with just one car, 5 adults, 2 carseats, and pouring down rain. We ended up at the mall until Jeff got done preaching here in Iowa and could tell the boys how to fix the car. A couple of good thunks on the gas tank with a broom and one very wet son later, and we were good to go!
Which son got wet?
Josh had on a white shirt and didn't have any clean clothes left. Zach had on a gray shirt with a tank underneath, so he had to do it!!
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