On Friday, December 11th, Josh and I took Dodger to the vet to be humanely euthanized. He was almost 10 years old and the best dog that a family could ever ask for. This was a very hard decision for our family to make but we felt it was for the best.
Over the last few years, Zach has gradually become more and more allergic to Dodger. It has recently gotten to the point that he is only able to be in our home for about 15 minutes before starting to have problems with sneezing and wheezing. As much as I love my dog, I love my son more, so we decided that we could no longer have Dodger as part of our family. We considered other options such as giving him away (Dodger, not Zach), but due to his age as well as several physical and mental health issues that he was developing, we didn't feel that this would be a good choice for him.
I am constantly reminded throughout the day that Dodger is gone, like when I drop food on the floor when I'm cooking and realize that I have to actually clean up my own mess now! I will especially miss him when it warms up in the spring and he's not there to go for walks with me. I am thankful for all my photos and memories. He won't be forgotten.
I am so sorry to hear about this. We lost Chief (13 year old rotty) in May and that was very hard on me as I came home to an empty house every day. I finally had to break and get a new puppy in Nov. I will pray for you as you handle the new change.
shelli wilson
Thanks. We doubt we will ever get another dog since Zach is allergic to pretty much all animals. I figure if I ever get missing animals too much, I'll just volunteer at an animal shelter :) Have a wonderful Christmas!!
If you need an animal- Hedge hogs or pot belly pigs are usually allergenic free. FYI =) I hope you too have a merry Christmas! When is your grandbaby due??? Praying for safety all around
Andrea will be induced on January 4th if she hasn't had the baby before then. We are all pretty excited!
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