The other day I was telling Jeff that I wish that I could get a sandbox for Bryce and Hailey. They live in a duplex where they have some yard space and I thought it would be fun for them this summer. Later that night, Jeff was looking on craigslist at the items that are for free (something he regularly does) and there it was: a Step-One Crab Sandbox for free. Twenty-four hours later, we were the proud owner of a little red sandbox - one that would have cost about $70 brand new.
Jeff brought it down with him when he came on Sunday. We got it set up for the kids with 300 lbs. of sand and some sand toys. They are so excited. Bryce went to preschool and told his teacher and friends all about his new sandbox. Hailey was barefooted the first day and when I put her in the sandbox, she screamed when her feet touched the sand and then she refused to let her feet get in it again. By the second day, she would touch her feet to the sand, pull them out, then jump up and down giggling. It won't be long before they are getting totally covered in sand!
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