Since Jeff and I gave a long-term commitment to stay at Cornerstone, we are once again looking for a home to buy. Jeff will be meeting with our realtor this afternoon to start the paperwork and to make a bid. We are looking to downsize since we will soon be empty-nesters. This house is certainly smaller than what we are used to and will require lots of sorting and purging, but I think that it will suit our needs just fine, especially once the boys are gone. We especially like the fenced in back yard with all the trees. Click on the link to see more of the house including a virtual tour!
I just now noticed how much the front of this house reminds me of your parents home in Wheaton. Kind of scary :) We will let Zach have the pretty purple room.
Um, even scarier, we have a house very similar to our old house in Wheaton. Erika really liked the purple room too.
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