The funniest thing happened last night. Josh and I were sitting in the living room; he was working on his laptop and I was reading a book. One of those annoying ladybugs was crawling across the arm of the sofa where I was sitting. I hate to smash them since they stink so badly, so I just flicked it off – toward Josh, of course. Now, Josh just happened to be wearing shorts and the lady bug just happened to land in the leg opening of his shorts!
He jumped to get it out and when he couldn’t find it, he relaxed thinking that it just bounced back out…that is until a few minutes later when his eyes got really big and he gave a shriek. The ladybug decided to start crawling. It was the funniest thing watching him jumping up and down and dancing all around. He finally ran for the bathroom. I must say that I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time!! That is a memory I won’t soon forget!
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